Second Cycle Highway Academy goes to London this October

06 Jul, 2017
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The first Cycle Highway Academy (CHA) successfully took place in the Netherlands during Velo-city 2017, this past June. The second edition will take place on 4-5th of October 2017 in London. It will be a two-day session, focusing on the “Design and Building of Cycle Highways” where the tools of the Interreg NWE CHIPS project (Cycle Highway Innovation project) will be shared. The second CHA is open to all stakeholders; spatial planners, cycle highway managers, public authorities, knowledge institutes and industry associated with cycle highways. 

Beyond the training session, the Cycle Highway Academy is a place where cycle highway experts from industry meet and discuss innovations, new cycle highway tools and share best practices. The tools in the Cycle Highway Academy are low-entry tools which are easy-to-use and to adopt in several European settings. The Academy is a mix between theory, practice and showing concrete implementations and best practices. The upcoming, second Cycle Highway Academy will focus on “Design and Build”.

The “Design & Build” Cycle Highway Academy is not just about designing and building the basic infrastructure of a cycle highway, it will go beyond the infrastructural elements. This Cycle Highway Academy will answer the following questions:

  • How do we design and build readable cycle highways?
  • How can a cycle highway be connected to other transport modes?
  • How do we achieve cycle highways 2.0?


By means of studies, investments and experiments, the CHIPS project aims to create new insights in cycling highways and to stimulate people to cycle. During the CHAs these insights will be covered together with a training in assessment tools to plan/design/build/promote/… cycle highways. It is intended to keep the sessions open and interactive to share experiences and to learn from each specific situation, as different topological regions will require different needs.

For Preliminary Content and Registrations see the Event page.

For more information please contact


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