Look at Me, No Hands-ECF Newswatch

09 Feb, 2012
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Credit: Mike CrossField

Take Me to the Source. 

An article can be find in the Miami Times, "Look Ma, No Hands: Senate Passes Bill to Legalize Hand-less Bike Riding", Feb 8, 2012. 

Folks from Florida can now ride their bicycle with no hands. They've just passed a bill which removes a statue declaring "Any person operating a bicycle shall keep at least one hand upon the handlebars." 

The new bill also allows police to issue a citation for anyone riding their bike without proper lights and reflectors at night time. And that's about it. 

Well finally. Americans can now try some of the moves that can be seen in the video below. 

"Golden Tree" by Martin Brooks from Ninian Doff on Vimeo.

About the Author

Julian Ferguson is the Communications Officer for the European Cyclists’ Federation. Originally hailing from Australia and a keen bicycle advocate, he plans one day to ride his bicycle from Brussels to Melbourne

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