Leadership Programme Success Stories: LANDSSAMTÖK HJÓLREIÐAMANNA, the Icelandic Cyclists Federation

06 Apr, 2016
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LANDSSAMTÖK HJÓLREIÐAMANNA, the Icelandic Cyclists Federation, is (hopefully) growing!

The current focus for LHM is to increase their country-wide coverage, whilst increasing the available competencies of the organisation at the same time. To do this, they have approached well-connected professionals to either serve on the board, or act as consultants that the board can have access to. The hope is that utilising such contacts will increase the expertise of ICF, and to help with this the professionals approached are from a diverse background: one worked on CSR in a bank, and another has been an assistant to a government minister.

Coupled with this, LHM has been growing geographically as well: the addition of a new member organisation, located at Akureyri, will be the first outside of the capital area, once finalised. This is just the beginning though, with trips planned to three towns, to establish contacts, and the hope is that coinciding the launch of Cycling without Age in these towns will be a positive event, which will gain attention: the use of local host organisation and ‘pilots’ of the rickshaws could be useful contact people. The hope is to recruit them as direct members and informants regarding their towns.

One key piece of action will be the proposed changes to the bylaws of LHM: these have been formulated and put to the AGM in February. They will hopefully make cycling a solution provider for environmental and public health issues, and make cycling more visible in the bylaws.

Plans for building a bicycle industry network have been created, seeking to include  retailers, rentals, tour operators and repairs. The Cycling Iceland work has produced an extensive list of contacts, who will be invited to a more formal network, which will be a result of the restructuring of the Cycling Iceland map. This should take place over the next few weeks.

As part of the work to expand LHM, there is consideration establishing a project regarding the way cycling is communicated: attempting to involve companies, employers and other actors in communicating cycling as a positive, green and healthy form of transport, whilst at the same time educate people on good citizenship and practices for using paths and roads. This is being considered as a way for LHM to broaden the cycling base in Iceland.

Alongside this focus on strengthening LHM, there have been numerous lobby efforts, such as lobbying to ease regulations on bicycles, and consultations with the Minister for the Environment and future consultations with the Directorate for Health.



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