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wider cycle paths

Between 2008 and 2016 the number of cars driving across Dronning Louises Bro in Copenhagen dropped by nearly 60%. But the total number of people using the bridg...

06 Nov, 2018
Pieckelaan - old road turned into a cycle highway

Instead of cutting trees to widen carriageway, an old car connection between Nijmegen and Beuningen was turned into a cycle path. Now this tree-lined avenue is...

14 May, 2018

Where a road crosses a village, there is often limited space available between buildings. The reconstruction of Lodewijk van Veltemstraat in the municipality of...

16 Mar, 2018

Construction works started on a new section of planned F212 cycle highway, next to the Zellik train station. When completed, F212 will connect the municipality...

05 Mar, 2018

A freezing (-5°) Essen in the German Ruhr area has been the home of the third Cycle Highway Academy organized by the European CHIPS project. After an inspiring...

05 Mar, 2018

Introducing high-quality fast cycling routes in one of the biggest European cities was a challenging task, but the completed ‘cycle superhighways’ attracted tho...

19 Feb, 2018