Violeta Bulc announced at Cycling Forum Europe inauguration

18 Nov, 2014
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ECF is pleased to announce that Ms Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport, will attend Cycling Forum Europe at its formal launch event at the European Parliament in Brussels this week. Her contribution in this already high-level meeting is a testimony to just how important cycling is for the forthcoming European Commission, whose priority is to get more people into employment through smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

On Thursday, Ms Bulc will join Members of European Parliament from various parliamentary groups and committees in a moment of exchange on the potential of cycling for health and the economy. These MEPs have committed to developing a better mobility in a recovering Europe from now until 2020. Cycling has the ability to act as a catalyst in this recovery, and Cycling Forum Europe brings together all the key players in European policy to make this happen.

There is a trend emerging whereby cycling is increasingly seen as a credible all-round solution to many social and economic issues: it alleviates congestion; it increases health and well-being; and last week, we heard that it employs over 650,000 people in Europe – more than in the mining sector (ECF study, forthcoming). It is very encouraging that the new European Commissioner for Transport has chosen to support cycling during one of her first days in office.

The Forum will be launched this Thursday, on 20th November, at an event in the European Parliament hosted by TRAN Committee Chairman, Michael Cramer MEP. At this lunchtime event, we will have the chance to hear a keynote address by Philippe Crist from the OECD, co-author of the book “Cycling, Health and Safety”, which will frame the discussion and talk about global trends, challenges and political choices. A number of MEPs, representatives of the European Commission, NGOs and the cycling industry will be present to celebrate this initiative.

Some of the MEPs attending #CYFO:

Ines Ayala Sender
Georges Bach
Jussi Halla-aho
Brian Hayes
Anneli Jäätteenmäki
Ivan Stefanec
Helga Stevens
Dario Tamburrano


Founded by Members of the European Parliament in 2014 with members from a range of political parties and parliamentary committees, ‘Cycling Forum Europe’ is an active network that aims at bringing together EU decision-makers, cycling advocates and all those stakeholders interested in sustainable urban mobility and the future of our cities. We want to achieve a better understanding and exchange of opinions on all cycling-related policy issues, and most of all, put cycling high on the EU agenda.

Press requests are to be directed at Elina Baltatzi, ECF Communications Officer, +32 2 808 58 76,

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