Velo-city day 2: Cycle Tourism (afternoon plenary)

14 Jun, 2018
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The second day of Velo-city concluded with a stimulating discussion about “Cycle Tourism”. It is the first time that a Velo-city conference has included a plenary on cycle tourism. This reflects the growing importance of this booming segment of the tourism market.

In a nutshell, the plenary discussed cycle tourism as a booming business driving sustainable economic and social development. Millions of Europeans are already experiencing how cycling tourism can improve the quality of life and contribute to more responsible consumption habits. During the plenary, cycle tourism in Rio and elsewhere in Brazil was discussed, stressing that it is driving sustainable economic and social development. We also heard about how millions of Europeans are already experiencing how cycling tourism can improve the quality of life of the communities in the destinations and also for the tourists themselves.

The plenary was moderated by Ed Lancaster, ECF’s Senior Policy Officer – Cycling Tourism and Regional Policy.

The speakers for the plenary “Cycle Tourism” were:

  • Juliana DeCastro, from Núcleo de Planejamento Estratégico de Transportes e Turismo – PLANETT

Ms. DeCastro gave us the picture outside of the country in the rest of Brazil. She focused on the potential and economic benefits of cycle tourism in Brazil.

“Mobility and tourism cannot exist separately”.

  • Ana Santos, head of the Pedagogical Board of the Human Kinetics Faculty - Lisbon University and a member of research network CRIA.

Ms. Santos presented a slightly different perspective, through data research, of how cycle tourism is developing in Europe, focusing on Portugal as a case study.

”Cycle tourism is a means of cohesion and development.”

  • Marcelo Alves, President of Riotur.

Mr. Alves talked about Riotur, Tourism Company of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. He focused on the development of cycle tourism in Rio and the benefits it has resulted for the city.

“Cycle tourism has enormous potential to be one of the main tourism factors in Rio. It will help our city to grow and develop.”

  • Adam Bodor, ECF’s advocacy director.

Mr. Bodor provided an overview of the situation in Europe where cycle tourism is well established and has a significant impact. During his presentation, he introduced ECF’s project Eurovelo, the European cycle route network and talked about its objectives and role in boosting cycle tourism in Europe.

“Cycle tourism has changed and moved to mainstream”

The plenary “Cycle Tourism” took place during Day 2 of Velo-city 2018; Wednesday 13th June 2018 at 14.00-15.00.

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