Velo-city 2022 Ljubljana: Jan Gehl to give keynote address

07 Mar, 2022
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Jan Gehl, the world-famous architect and pioneer of people-centred urban planning, will give the opening speech at this year's world cycling summit. Velo-city will take place from 14-17 June 2022 in the beautiful city of Ljubljana.  

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is proud to announce Jan Gehl as a keynote speaker at Velo-city 2022 Ljubljana. An architect, professor and co-founder of Gehl Architect studio, Gehl’s 50-year career has focused on improving the quality of urban life by reorienting city design towards people.

Throughout his career, Jan Gehl extensively researched the use of public space, publishing his theories and the results of his work in several books. In 1971, he published his influential book, “Life Between buildings,” in which he advocates for a sensible, straightforward approach to improving the urban form.

Another of Gehl's books, “Public Spaces, Public Life,” describes how Copenhagen transformed from a car-dominated city to a pedestrian-oriented city over 40 years. In 2010, he published the revolutionary, “Cities for People,” which focuses on creating (or recreating) cityscapes on a human scale.

Striving to make cities more sustainable, more equitable and healthier, Gehl has been a consultant to major international cities such as London, New York and Moscow.

With this year’s main theme being “Cycling the Change,” Velo-city will explore how the humble bicycle can contribute to building cities for people that bring communities closer together. We can’t wait to hear Jan Gehl explain how best to develop cities that are full of life, safe, sustainable and healthy.

Check out the rest of the Velo-city 2022 programme

The programme is now online! With 55 sessions, six plenaries and numerous networking opportunities, the Velo-city 2022 Ljubljana programme is bursting at the seams with fascinating topics centred around the theme of Cycling the Change.

From national cycling strategies to beating “bikelash,” creative campaigns for more cycling and innovative placemaking practices, this year’s Velo-city programme will host a variety of voices from the sustainable mobility scene.

  • Download the programme here.
  • Hurry up! Don’t miss the early bird tickets available until 14 March 2022.

About Velo-city

Velo-city, the world cycling summit, is where advocates, cities, decision makers, researchers and industry leaders meet to shape the future of cycling.

As the annual flagship event of ECF, Velo-city plays a valuable part in promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy means of transport for all. Like no other event, the conference offers a knowledge-exchange and policy-transfer platform to the growing number of more than 1,400 Velo-citizens from over 60 countries involved in the policy, promotion and provision for cycling, active mobility and sustainable urban development. The Velo-city exhibition also serves as a global gathering point, showcasing the latest innovations for a better cycling experience in cities and beyond!


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